Alexa is a service provider for ranking websites based on the information gathered from the websites through various resources. Mainly Alexa takes out its data from the Toolbar that it has, although the ranking is not that accurate it is being said that Alexa ranking is quite important.
Find here some of the important tips that will help you to improve on your Alexa ranking!
Write about Alexa
Do what I do! Write about Alexa, which is one of the most wanted articles that will make visitors coming to your website stop and make them read to find out whether you have a new tip or not! There are so many ways you can improve your Alexa Ranking, but writing on how to improve them is like a give and take policy, telling others on how to improve Alexa ranking. When you write, write something substantial!
Post Frequently
Post frequently and regularly, this is because it is believed that Alexa engines spans through the website and finds out how frequently the contents is being updated and is believed that your regular visitors will find something new regularly, everytime when they visit. Whether or not the former is true, the later is a theoretical and logical fact. This will automatically increase your page ranking, which will reflect on your Alexa ranking as well. However, you ought to be careful for not being to frequent that you will be considered a spammer or a bot.
Comment on other blogs and websites
This is more than a welcoming gesture to comment positively or critically on others websites and blog posts, so that you will also be allowed to leave a trace of you and your website. This way you can increase the number of page visits, and drive traffic to your website from the website or blog that you have commented on! This is also one of the best ways to increase your backlinks, which can give you hundreds and hundreds of visitors. But be patient! This does not happen overnight!
Use Alexa rank widget
Add Alexa rank widget to your website, this is one of the most essential step to do on your blog or website, which will help you to improve your Alexa rank automatically, how this helps! Well, every single click of this widget is counted and adds to improve your Alexa ranking, and probably might also encourage your dedicated visitors to think of helping you by clicking on this to judge the article by trying to figure out where you stand in the market. This is one of the best ways, that is the reason why I use this in my weight watchers and ediets promo codes blog, believe me it took my Alexa high in no time. One more possibility is that this widget could be a motivation always present in front of your eyes while you work on your website or blog.
Install Alexa toolbar
This is one of the smartest ways to boost your Alexa ranking for all of your visits to your webpage will also be recorded dedicatedly and will be counted while ranking you. For added effect, be sure to set your website as your homepage, and watch out for yourself how well you are performing.
Expand your social network
This is one of the best ways and is the modest way to improve the number of visitors to your website. This will have a positive impact on your Alexa rank and some of the best social media that you can use for this purpose will include Orkut, twitter, Digg, Facebook, Stumble Upon and others.